The Paddle UK Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course is a fantastic introduction to a broad range of rescues that will be useful to you on sheltered and very sheltered water. It is a requirement for anybody that is doing a Paddlesport Instructor course, but is highly recommended for anyone who paddles regularly on sheltered water. You don't need to be a super paddler to come along, and you'll go away with loads and loads of ideas to play with, and will learn how to rescue canoes, kayaks and SUPs from your craft of choice.
We will spend most of the day in the water, so you do need to be prepared to be soggy a lot, but the atmosphere is of fun, experimentation and problem solving. This is a training course and not as assesment, so the pressure is off and you can try out any ideas, and ask all those niggling questions.
There's lots of information about the PSRC here, or if you'd like to have a chat about the suitability of this course for you, just drop me a line.

I can come to your club or centre to deliver these courses for you (just get in touch to arrange), or you can book onto one of my open courses, which I run in Leamington Spa.
Open courses are £90 per person for Paddle UK members, and £98 for non-members.
Courses marked * in the table are one's I am running with, or for, another provider. If you are interested in one of these just email me and I'll put you in touch with the person dealing with enquiries and bookings for that course.
Open training courses coming up:
Date | Location |
June 2nd 2025 | Leamington Spa |

Feedback from recent courses:
"Really great course & Jenna was brilliant as usual!"
"Really well structured very informative and very memorable ( in the sense of remembering techniques)"
"Jenna was really thorough and specific. The day was great and the fact that we had so much practice in the water was brilliant. It also helped to have discussion afterwards to cement the information."
"Overall, I really enjoyed the course and found it practically relevant to how we go boating with the young people (i.e. a mixture of Canoes and Kayaks) The way you taught was really informative but informal and made it a really enjoyable course. Many thanks!"