Training or assessment for any of the below Paddle UK Personal Performance Awards can be incorporated into private or group bespoke coaching for clubs, centres, or individuals. If you would like to work towards, or gain, any of these, just get in touch and we can organise a session, a day, or a series of lessons to get you your award, but more importantly, to where you want to be with your paddling. Each award description is available here but I'm always very happy to chat you through and help you to decide on your best way forward.

Paddle Awards:
Start, Discover, Explore
The three Paddle Awards are for you if you are just getting started in paddlesport. They'll help you to build the skills, knowledge and decision making abilities that you'll need to feel confident in whichever craft you choose in sheltered water. They are a great way to get started on your life of paddlesport!

SUP Sheltered Water Award
This is ideal if you would like to build on your skills to become really proficient in sheltered water. We'll look at the fundamentals of paddling, and how they apply to the SUP, and you will develop the skills and knowledge you need to be able to have an enjoyable and safe trip on the water up to 200 metres from shore, in up to force 3 in winds.

Canoe, Progressive Canoe, and Advanced Canoe Awards
These awards will help you to develop your personal paddling and decision making skills so you can have a fun and safe day out canoeing. You will develop your skill, judgement and decision making when journeying.
By the end of your canoe award you will be confident in planning and undertaking canoe journeys in winds up to and including force 3, and on grade 1 rivers.
With the progressive canoe award, you'll be flying, with confidence and skills in force 4 and grade 2(3).
Once you have achieved your advanced award, you'll be paddling G3(4) white water, and open water with F5+ wind, with style and skill.

White Water Award
Learn to get the best out of your boat and develop a really good understanding of the white water environment. You'll gain the skills, knowledge and decision making ability to have brilliant days out on grade 2 rivers.

Touring, Open Water Touring, and Multi-Day Touring Awards
Get the most out of your exploring with the touring awards - you'll learn how to plan and execute safe trips into the wilds and really get the most from your boat/board, and your time away from the rat race.